Current PACE Leadership Team!

Tyler Smith
Leader Bio: Tyler is a 4th year PhD student in particle and astro theory. His research focuses on the significance of anomalies in physics beyond the standard model, which can serve as leading constraints on various theoretical models. In addition, he models the formation and merger rates of binary black holes, tracing their origins from galaxy formation and leveraging the gravitational wave constraints inferred from LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA. In his free time he enjoys weightlifting and is a dedicated father who loves creating memories with his daughters whether at the beach, playing games, diving into anime, etc!

Ryan Rice-Smith
Leader Bio: Hi, I'm a 4th year Experimental Particle Physics Ph.D. studying novel detectors to search for neutrinos, the lightest particles with mass, that are built on glaciers in places such as Antarctica and Greenland. I joined PACE to help give back to the great physics community here that supported me in my undergraduate, and now graduate work. Outside the department I run old school D&D games, host a radio show 'Elemental Exposure' on KUCI, and have recently gotten into Muay Thai.

Vidya Venkatesan (she/her)
Leader Bio: I am a Ph.D. student in Astrophysics at the University of California, Irvine. I work with my co-advisors, Aomawa L. Shields (UCI) and Dr. Eric Wolf (LASP, Boulder), and explore the climate and habitability of exoplanets by combining observational data with computer models. I joined PACE to give incoming graduate students the same unwavering support I received when I joined UCI. My hobbies include reading/watching SciFi, traveling, swing/salsa dancing, and playing D&D
Jake Rudolph
Leader Bio: Hello! I started at UCI in 2023 and study applications of machine learning to theoretical particle physics. I joined PACE to pay forward the positive mentorship experiences that helped me through my first year and throughout my time in Irvine. Outside of physics I love to play sports, cook, and more importantly, eat.

Mica Bacani
Leader Bio: Hello! My name is Mica and I am currently a second year PhD student conducting research in experimental condensed matter physics. In particular, I study electronic transport in 2D materials. I mostly work with graphene, which is the material at the tip of your favorite number 2 pencil, but one atomic layer thick. I am interested in condensed matter since it studies the fundamental building blocks of everything around us. Mentorship has always been important to me, as I lacked mentors throughout a majority of my physics career. Having a PACE mentor during my first year of graduate school really helped me adjust and enjoy my first year. I really like the PACE program as it helps first years hear different perspectives from other graduate students in the department. In my free time, I like to watch/play basketball, play video games, listen to music, and watch anime and k-drama!

Eric Rumsfeld
Leader Bio: PACE Leader since Fall 2024

Helena Garcia Escudero
Leader Bio: My name is Helena, I'm starting my 3rd year as a astroparticle graduate student at UCI. My research is in the border line between cosmology and particle physics. I was born in Spain where I did my undergrad. I love doing sport outdoors, running and spending time with my friends, doing BBQs and trying new restaurants with worldwide cuisines.
Stephanie Urbano Stawinski
Leader Bio:
Prof. Franklin Dollar
Faculty Advisor
Prof. Steph Sallum
Faculty Advisor
Jack Lubin
Emeritus Leadership Chair
Francisco Mercado
Emeritus Leadership Chair
Devontae Baxter
Emeritus Leadership Chair
Katy Rodriguez-Wimberly
Emeritus Leadership Chair and PACE program founder
Arianna Long
Emeritus Leadership Chair and PACE program founder